Katie’s Back

A couple of weeks before Christmas, my mum and I took our first Mix And Match class with instructor Katie, I wrote about how much we enjoyed it in this post. It was sweat-your-guts-out kind of tough and your body ached all over the day after. Over the holiday period the class was obviously cancelled, but when it started back up again in the new year Katie didn’t return. There was a lot of talk about her being ill, but nothing much was ever confirmed. Another instructor Mel took Katie’s place while she was away, and her class gave you a good work out too.


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Spring On The Allotment

Hello sun, its so nice to have you back again! Today truly felt like a Spring day, it was bright, sunny and even warm if you kept moving. So naturally we all headed to the allotment for a few hours this morning – it was good to get back! Honestly, there is something so refreshing and pleasant about just being out in the fresh air. Soakin’ up the Vitamin D! With everything going on this month our plot was put on hold – however I was only talking last week about how I was very eager to get back working, and when I say something I’m usually not kidding you.


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A Much Required Change

Well, where do I start on this one? When 2012 rolled around I had my fingers crossed for different things in my life. Change has always been something that excited me, when many people find it a daunting concept. I don’t mean like drastic life changing sort of change, but I was looking for a change nonetheless. Of course, I knew 2012 was already going to be different as soon as I knew I was getting Polly. There have already been a lot of new experiences and memories made due to having a puppy, and we’re only getting started. However, I still felt like I need something else.


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Pug Stats–Twelve Weeks

Growing, growing … grown? Welcome back to my weekly series of Pug Statistics – a post all about how my pug puppy is developing according to the tape measure, scales and from her keen mum’s observations. So Polly enters her twelfth week today and her pug life is really starting to get quite exciting for her and for us. A few stand out moments of the last week were introducing Polly to some family, a second trip to the vets and a dog training class. More on this later in the post, first up some comparative pictures to see how my puppy has got on over the weeks. Tape measure at the ready.


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Another New Class

I’m all about classes lately, but this time I’m not talking about Yoga, Spin or Pilates classes. Today I’m talking about a dog training class. Yes you heard correctly! Last night on a bit of a spare of the moment thing, Polly, my mum and myself all went to a dog training class. It was definitely an eye opening experience, but it was good fun!


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Waiting For Spring

Ah where have I been? No blogging since Friday, sad face… Longer days, lighter evenings, warmer temperatures, sunny spells and pots of brilliant daffodils – I’m itching for some signs of Spring to come along. I’m hoping that they’re not too far away. I’m eagerly waiting for Spring so that the year can properly swing into force, there are lots of exciting things on the agenda that are just waiting to get started! Spring will get the ball rolling.


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Children Meet Puppy

It was an excitable end to the week for me today. After my 10am Yoga class I took Polly to meet some of Gary’s family with him. Polly met Gary’s mum Maureen, sister in law Caroline and niece, nephew Owen and Amie. It was only the second time that Polly has been somewhere else other than home, so the car still makes her quite nervous, but she sat on my lap very well for the short journey to Caroline’s house. As soon as we pulled up I could see how excited Gary’s niece and nephew were to meet Polly. Owen stood at the front door eagerly awaiting Polly’s debut in his home! He had a big grin on his cheeky face when he saw my little pug.


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Pug Stats–Eleven Weeks

Time to get the tape measure out for another weekly measure up. Its all systems go with an eleven week old puppy in the house! Slowly but surely we are getting in to a little routine of things, but on to that in a minute. I think this little lady has had a growth spurt. I’ve got pictures of Polly across four weeks, and you can really see how much difference those weeks have made! Have a look.


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