Getting Active

As well as blogging about Food and Fashion, I also blog about my journey to keep fit.


For me, fitness is a relatively new theme in my life. Although I just missed the ‘X-box generation’ of children, and I did get outside and play when I was younger, I’ve just never been a highly active person.

However in 2010 I joined a gym to lose weight and exercise immediately became something I knew I wanted to keep in my life.

My mission to keep fit started from square one. Where I didn’t used to exercise, I was pretty unfit. I had to build my strength and stamina up over time. It was a slow process and I’m still working on it even now.


I started off by running on the treadmill – which was hard but I really liked it. I managed to run up to 3.0 miles on the treadmill which was so pleasing. But back in April I hurt my knee running and its never been the same since. So to prevent further injuries I gave it a knock on the head. At first I was so disappointed that I couldn’t run (well I still am disappointed even now) but I’ve managed to motivate myself to stay fit in other ways.

I recently joined a new gym which has been so good in motivating me to keep fit. I’m exercising regularly, taking classes and also swimming. I’m feeling very positive about it! I wish I could just keep my diet in check and I think my body would see some changes!

You can see my training plans here:
Training: September.
Training: October.

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