The Diamond Jubilee – Love It Or Loathe It?

I’m pretty sure that every person across Britain is aware that the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee is this weekend – a national celebration in honour of her sixty years on the throne. And if you didn’t know.. well, hello where have you been hiding?! Whether you love it or loathe it, we’re all in for a big weekend of nonstop Jubilee festivities.

Party access

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2012 Changes To The Allotment

Over the last couple of months our allotment has been undergoing lots of great changes, I’m not talking in terms of seeds or plants growing this time though. The whole site has had a brand new new face lift. We’ve gone from a dirt track to having a whole road and parking area fitted, not to mention the useful addition of our very own on-site sheds! All of these changes have not only made a whopping difference to the appearance of our allotment but they are going to be hugely beneficial to us, the plot holders, for now and in the future.

I’ve been snapping up pictures of some of the progress made to the site down in the corner where our plot is (116) so its really good to look back and compare just what a difference all the work has made. I’ve also managed to date all the ‘before’ ‘middle’ and ‘after’ pictures, so without further hesitation here they all are:



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The Week That Summer Arrived

I have been waiting to write that title for a very long time now, but I *think* that summer arrived in our little corner of England this week. Horrah! The sun hasn’t blessed us very much at all in 2012 as the weather has been absolutely rubbish so far this year. So its about time that we had a spot of nice weather. Its so lovely when I wake up in the morning and my bedroom is dimly lit by the natural light creeping through the curtains. And when I tie them back to see the sun reflecting on the top of the trees, making the leaves glow casting shadows on the grass below, I get that pleasant feeling in my stomach that’s telling me summer is finally here.


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Shape Over Scales: Week Five Reflections

Its time for another weekly reflection. But firstly if you haven’t already had a look, here is a quick recap on the weekend posts:
Saturday: How Not To Spend Your Evening.
Sunday: Strawberries In A New Light.


After disastrous week four, I have since come to realise that it would have a bigger impact than I originally thought, Continue reading

Pray For Baldrick

In the last little while everyone in the doggy Twitter community has been keeping a close eye on BaldricksMum Lynda’s updates as her lovely Baldrick is poorly. I can’t stop thinking about the worry and concern they must be going through. It is such a devastating feeling seeing your beloved animals when they are sick. We’ve only met Baldrick a handful of times but I think its fair to say that his wonderful personality left a lasting impression on us all. I’ve written before about the fun times we’ve shared with him at our Tweet Meets, here and here and his company will be greatly missed at our next one this Sunday, but for now all we’re worried about is getting our fury friend better.


So please, if you haven’t already, log on to Twitter and send your support to Lynda and Phil and pray for Baldrick to make a full recovery as soon as possible!  x

Pizza And A DVD

I think that there are a lot of people who will agree with me that this is not an easy time of the year if you are still in education: exams, assignments and deadlines are all fast approaching on the horizon. Hormones and stress levels seem to reach an all time high during these weeks of the year, leaving your mood all over the pace. It can’t be easy for those around you either who are all in the same boat. That is why I think that its sometimes better to just stop and have a bit of ‘you’ time to relax and recharge. Obviously where time is limited these moments are only short, but they are normally enough to provide you with a tiny pick me up.


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Strawberries In A New Light

Hello and how was your Sunday? Ours was cloudy but dry, and quite chilly! I had one of those funny moments at the allotment today, where you realise something for the first time and that imaginary light bulb inside your brain suddenly bursts into light Light bulb haha. So after my rather tragic evening last night I was determined to make every bit of today count. I set out with a plan to get as much done as possible. I woke up at 6.30 this morning, took the pug out to toilet and then put her back to bed for another hour while I tapped away on my laptop writing some more of my essay. Mum and Dad got up around 8ish when we all had a cup of tea, breakfast, showered and generally got ready for the day. Mum and I made it up at the allotment by around 11. Dad went to the gym instead.


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How Not To Spend Your Saturday Evening

This is how not to spend a Saturday:  be at work all day long, come home in the evening to watch a film and fall asleep right in the middle of all the action, but wake up just in time to catch the ending, therefore leaving you clueless. This is what I did last night. So yeah, can’t really tell you my opinions on the new Sherlock Holmes film seen as though I only caught the beginning and end. Ooops. Then again I couldn;t have been enjoying it that much or I wouldn’t have fallen asleep in the first place… Well Mum and Dad enjoyed it anyway.


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Stir-Fry Success

Its Friday! The weekend is upon us – hoorah!  However, when you work in retail there isn’t such thing as a ‘weekend’ and I will therefore be returning to the shop in the morning for my shift. But work or no work I’ve still got that weekend feeling! I think I’m just happy to see a rubbish week clear off to be perfectly honest.


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More Challenges

I can’t really say I’m having a good week. I’m in one of those frames of minds where nothing eases my mood, nothing seems to pacify me. I must be a nightmare to live with. Even more of a nightmare is living inside my own head right now. I can be a painful little wotsit, believe me I know. But then again, I think I’ve been a pretty decent, hassle free teenager while its lasted so maybe I’m entitled to my moments of utter moodiness?

And at least I can sort of explain my moodiness Continue reading