Fields Of Gold

It was another afternoon dedicated to doggy-walks yesterday. The weather is frankly all over the place still, sunshine then big clouds, warm one minute, breezy the next – that kind of weather where you don’t know what the hell is appropriate to wear. Well, if you’re like me and you don’t like being cold you end up layering up but then regretting that decision the moment you get a patch of mildly warm sunshine. I wish it would just make up its mind and decide to be nice – May is such a beautiful month as well, so some sunshine would be more than welcome wouldn’t it?


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Won’t Walk Through Puddles

Do you remember last week when we managed to avoid the rain with a randomly lucky sunny spell at the seaside? Well today we did not manage to avoid the rain.There were no lucky spells of sunshine today. It was a real case of April Showers here in Kent and as per usual it landed on my day off from work. But I was keen to make something of my day off  so Mum, pug and I took a drive to the country park in the cold and gloom. It was refreshing to say the least but I was glad we made the effort to get out.


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Monday Muckiness

Just like that Easter is over for another year! As per usual I worked the majority of the Easter break so it wasn’t hugely special for me, however the hours at my new job do mean that I finish a bit earlier so I get more of the afternoon to enjoy. We took advantage of that and made a few trips to the gym and out walking. However I was off along with my parents today and typically the weather was absolutely rubbish. Grey, rainy and miserable. The dull day did nothing for my motivation and I spent the majority of the morning lazing about trying to write my essay. I dislike doing nothing a lot…


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Time Passes

Hands up if your weekend flew by? Mine totally did, and before we know it Monday is going to be here again. Phew. I need the clock to slow down a little bit. I can’t stop pondering over how quickly the clocks turning recently, the other day I was having a conversation about all the different walks that we used to go on, and ever since its really got me thinking about the passage of time.


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A Quiet Weekend

Hello! I enjoyed a nice quiet weekend of doing nothing Smile.


The weather could have been nicer though, it was fairly grey, dark and chilly for the most part of the weekend. I much prefer the sun!


I went to work to do a 9-5 but got let home an hour and a half early which was pretty good!

In the evening the parents watched The King’s Speech, but I didn’t really fancy it, and the boyfriend only likes comedy films so definitely didn’t fancy it, so we ended up just relaxing .

Oh and trying out my new nail polish,


(Shame about the dodgy nails but I am in the process of growing them still!)

I have a thing for nail polish at the moment!


This was a fairly rare Sunday because Gary was off from work and we got to spend the day together Smile.


We enjoyed breakfast in bed: some toast for Gary and weetabix for me.


Traditional weetabix and a banana for me.

Then after lunch we headed out for a short walk in the woods.




We all dressed up warmly with scarfs and jackets but Gary was happy in his shorts and t-shirt! He begrudgingly wore his jacket for me Smile with tongue out



Where has the sun gone this weekend? Sad smile



Nice relaxed walks are the perfect form of exercise to do over the weekend Smile. Minimal effort is required but you’re still benefitting as its a form of activity.



We also came across a small herd of wild cows!


Thankfully they were more scared of us than we were scared of them Winking smile as they soon ran away when we approached them.


We walked up to the mausoleum and then walked back.


It has a big metal fence around it because over the past it suffered from vandalism.


Its spoiled a lot by the ugly fencing.



Its difficult to appreciate how grand it is with a huge fence surrounding it.


Nature spotting on the walk back by my Grandpops.


After our gentle bit of exercise over the weekend I’m ready to hit the gym for a more challenging set of workouts this week. Don’t get me wrong, walking is really good because it gives your body a rest from working hard, plus its gets you outdoors. But there’s just something about the feeling after running that I’m hooked on lately, I can’t wait to get some new running shoes this week so I can try and get back in the game as soon as possible.


In addition to going walking this weekend, I have also been using the dumbbells at home to work on my love handle issue. I’m unhappy with my hips at the moment, they don’t feel very firm and toned so I really want to sort this out before I’m parading around in a bikini on holiday! Less than 2 months to go now! Open-mouthed smile 

Diet.com1 (Source.)

My inspiration comes from a video I watched (link found above,) in preparation for last years holiday, and it really helped so I need to start using this Love Handle Eraser move regularly to hopefully see results Smile.

Speaking of holiday, I also made a nice profit on eBay! I got more money than I imagined I would, making over £70 on a few bits and bobs which means more money for holiday clothes! I am so keen to go holiday shopping with the boyfriend in a couple of weeks, although I may be getting a taster shop this week because I don’t have enough patience to wait properly…



What exercise are you most likely to do at the weekends?