The Food Of Summer

The food of summer comes off the BBQ. I have so much love for BBQs mainly because they are one of those seasonal things that you enjoy at a particular time of the year.


Is there anything better than sitting in the garden with a cold glass of diet coke in your hand lapping up the smell of the BBQ cooking away on a warm summers evening?

No is the answer to that!

The Bunting in our garden has faded in the sunshine, but it has otherwise survived the eventful summer of 2012. It was a lovely evening eating BBQ food and watching the closing ceremony of the Olympics. I love summer when it feels like this!


Have a great week! x

Our Afternoon At Grove Ferry

Good evening! Its been a beautiful, warm, sunny day here in Kent. Luckily for us Wednesdays are our day off together as a family which meant that we got to make the most of the lovely day doing whatever we liked. The morning was spent as many others are for us (down at the gym) but this afternoon we decided to do something a little bit different for a change, and that was to take a trip to Grove Ferry.


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A Sick Weekend


I woke up with a bad sore throat which lasted all day, so I felt a bit worse for wear yesterday. Work dragged and I was so glad when it was 5pm and I got to come home.


Dad cooked a scrummy BBQ, but because of my sore throat I didn’t have my usual eager appetite. I always know when I’m sick because my appetite isn’t up to its normal standards.

But Gary came round and between the four of us we all managed to consume the BBQ food without a problem Winking smile. I mainly ate the cooked meat off the BBQ, rather than the salad dishes mum had prepared because the warmth of the food felt nice on my throat.

Afterwards, I begrudgingly sat down to watch the final of Britain’s Got Talent.


I dislike programmes like this a lot, but Gary wanted to watch it, so a girlfriend does what a girlfriend has to do Winking smile.

I couldn’t believe some of the trash that had made it to the final! Really don’t enjoy programmes like this that are so exaggerated, just BLAH. Eye rolling smile

The only part of the programme that wowed me was when Jackie Evancho, the America’s Got Talent runner up, performed live. Just incredible that somebody so young could have a voice so magical.

My Dad also provided some funny comments that kept me amused while we watched the show, such as “That lady looks like one of my clients” and “Oh, she’ll be on drugs in two years time.”


My sore throat subsided and I feel a lot better today, but it has turned into a bad head cold now. I think that I’ve already sneezed about 100 times and its only midday. I can deal with a head cold more than a sore throat though!

It seems that the beginning of June is turning into a month of sickness, because Gary’s nephew Owen caught chicken pox! Tomorrow is also his niece, Amie’s 2nd birthday.


Today we were supposed to be going round to wish her a happy birthday as they’re having a little party for her. But I haven’t had chicken pox before so I can’t go Sad smile

And we bought a present especially for her!


I hope she likes it!

Gary and I had a bit of a funny experience going into the Early Learning Centre to look for her present the other week. I don’t think we’ve ever looked more out of place in a shop before! We were surrounded by women with excited children charging about. I’m sure that we looked very odd in there Smile with tongue out

Damn chicken pox! I definitely don’t want to tempt fate and catch them at this point in my life. I just never had them as a child and supposedly you get them worse as an adult.


Seen as I feel better than I did yesterday I am going to spend some time doing some exercises at home, maybe using some online videos depending on how I feel. Got to try and be productive somehow!

Have you ever had chicken pox before?

Easter Weekend.

Happy Easter everyone!


Well mine wasn’t that ‘happy’ as I spent the majority of it at work! Sad smile It does mean lots of double pay which is good for the old bank account, this is what I keep reminding myself anyway.

I also had to get over the fact that I was without the gym for four days too!


I suppose it was a good job that I was occupied with work after all Winking smile . Plus my shifts weren’t too bad either so I could make plans to spend time with my family while enjoying yummy food.

A non-family related event of the weekend was going out on Thursday evening.


   The evening included: dressing up, putting on too much makeup (to cover up my coldsore obviously,) driving down a ditch in a car park due to poor visibility (woops!) being boiling hot in the crowd of drunken night clubbers and generally, soberly observing drunk shenanigans.

I decided to drive this time as the boyfriend always takes us out, although he doesn’t drink, its nice to give him the night off Smile. Plus it can be his turn to take us shopping in a few weeks time Winking smile.

Because of the bank holiday, I assume, the place was packed out! It wasn’t late when we decided to call it a night, the novelty of being sober in a crowded club of drunken people quickly wears off.

It was a pretty good night, and I’ve had far worse sober nights out believe me!

Good Friday.

I did a shift over lunch time till 3 and then went for a short walk in the woods afterwards.



It was lovely and cool in the woods but as soon as we stepped out of the shade it was boiling hot, and even though we took it easy I was ready to stop at the end.






It was a nice way to make the most of the sunny afternoon. For dinner we all went to my grandparents for a lovely curry. I make that my third curry in three weeks Winking smile

When we got home we caught the last half of Chocolat – love this film so much! Open-mouthed smile


The music is so dramatic and beautiful! Perfect film to show on TV at Easter!

Easter Saturday.

Dad cooked a BBQ for the evening meal Open-mouthed smile. I haven’t had any Easter treats of chocolate/sweets for years now, but I made up for it by allowing myself some indulgences over dinner.





We had a delicious BBQ feast Open-mouthed smile. I love BBQ’s!


Plus strawberries for dessert!


Strawberries are definitely up there on my list of favourite fruits (along with dark grapes and pineapples.)

Easter Sunday.

After work I mainly relaxed today and now I’m looking forward to a delicious roast dinner later on tonight Smile.


I hope everybody else had a pleasant Easter weekend too!