Barking Mad: The Pug Story Part 5

Ah I finally found a minute to sit down and catch up on my blog… Now where were we? Oh yes, the eagerly anticipated follow up to my puppy adventures.

Okay so around a month ago we finally made the decision to get another puppy. At first it seemed that we had it all planned out: we had spoken with Polly’s breeder and we fully intended to return to her once again for our next pug. She told us that she had a litter due at the end of July so we were hopeful to receive news on puppies within a couple of weeks. After what seemed like a long wait we inquired once more when July was almost over, only to be informed that she got the dates muddled up and to give it another week.

More waiting was torturous, and I begun to get anxious – all I wanted was an update on puppies! So naturally when that week was up I got in touch one final time to ask for an update. However this time I never got a response back. I watched the days pass again, and before I knew it the days turned into weeks and it was a fortnight since our breeder had last been in touch with me, let alone give me any news.

As you can imagine I was beyond frustrated and honestly, a little bit annoyed and confused that I never heard back from Polly’s breeder. Its a difficult situation because you don’t want to be too pestering but at the same time if you want a pug you’ve got to be persistent.

Patience never was my strong point.

And so I begun to reassess my options….

The hunt for a pug puppy started from scratch all over again.



Before I knew it, it felt like January all over again where I was frantically sending out dozens of spontaneous texts and emails to local breeders I got from the Kennel Club website. Contrasting the odd communication I had with Polly’s breeder, I received practically immediate replies from many people I contacted regarding puppies in the local area, confirming that I was making the right decision to stick to my guts and look somewhere else this time.

However, the replies I received weren’t exactly what I was hoping for. Searching for pugs is difficult enough, searching for black ones seemed to limit me even more! A few people contacted me saying they had fawns, but nobody had any black ones!

I felt that familiar feeling of disappointment as I continually received disheartening replies. Am I ever going to find them?

Then last Tuesday, I believe that chance intervened a little bit. As I scanned my brain I recalled how I came to find Polly back at the start of the year – a lady was very helpful and gave my details over email that lead me to her. I checked my Hotmail and I still had the very email saved in my history. I knew that I had to get in touch with this lady again.

I sent a very hopeful email and got a reply right away. When I saw my inbox update and notify me of a new message, excitement poured through my body. I read the following message:

Hi Grace.

My next litter will be fawn,but my Son and Daughter in law have one of my black girls who has a lovely litter of black Pug puppies, they are about 4 weeks old, and will be ready in a few weeks, they are mainly Snugglepug bred, so they are exceptionally beautiful babies.

Give Leanne and Michael a ring _______________ and arrange a viewing

Regards, Lesley.

I’m pretty sure that I was beaming ear to ear by the time I finished reading. To be safe I reread it once more and by then adrenaline kicked in. I could feel it. This was it!


In a now blurred contact we arranged to make our way to view the puppies on Thursday evening. It was such a pleasure to go and look at some tiny little pugs and be the first ones to give one a home! Although that made our decision even tougher as we had too much choice this time!


Where all the puppies were so lovely we had a hard decision picking one, but eventually…….

One stood out.


Introducing, Peggy! She is joining our family in the middle of September!

Thank you for reading, and I apologise for such a heavy ‘text’ filled post with a lack of lovely puppy pictures, my camera didn’t get any good snaps as the room we were in was dark. I promise lots of puppy pictures come September! However if you can’t wait I will be posting a few mobile images to my Twitter and Facebook of Peggy in the meantime! Stay tuned….